Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Good News!

The doctors today said that Linda is recovering remarkably well from her infection. That does not mean she is out of the woods - this infection is resistant and resilient. As you know, if you have followed this blog, there are myriad issues Linda is dealing with, all caused directly or indirectly by the tumor. There is no way to describe the roller coaster this has been, though you have a sense if you have visited here frequently. It has certainly been a comfort to us that so many of you have come along for the ride!

Last night was one of those blessed nights I had been longing for - thank you for praying! About 3:45, Linda woke up and so did I - there was not much sleep afterwards, but it was more than worth being awake most of the night. We talked and prayed - and were so very blessed by God's Word. We read (very deliberately) the whole of Romans 8 and the entire 14th chapter of John's Gospel. Over and over the passages spoke of the many gracious gifts that God has given us. No matter the outcome of Linda's illness, nor of any reverses in my own health or circumstances, we are safe and secure in the Father's hand. When we look at God's sacrifice in giving Jesus up for us, and when we look at the cross, we pull up short of complaining about our own suffering. After all, the suffering is temporary, the glory will be eternal!

To give you just an idea of the roller coaster, our spirits were high as we absorbed God's Word - oh, how it spoke to our need! Then, somewhere around 5, Linda began to experience a fair amount of pain (head, neck, shoulders, lower back) and discomfort. The most unsettling aspect of her discomfort was the difficulty she had breathing. It was so tough that she began to wonder if she could go on. The nurse came and gave her a nasal spray and repositioned her on the bed and, VOILA - she went right to sleep! She awoke with some considerable confusion, which I (most likely, wrongly) attributed to the tumor. My concern was great this morning - until the doctors came in and said she is doing remarkably well. Her oxygen levels are very high! Our anticipation of Christmas together with our family at home is growing stronger by the hour. If she beats the infection. well, you know the laundry list - liver, lipids, kidneys, etc.

Linda is quite tired. She had a lot of visitors today, all of whom she VERY much wanted to see - but I think we are going to have to limit visitors in the next few days at least. Please pray for her - she is a bit discouraged. I am sure you understand. Pray that she will sleep well tonight and be refreshed in the morning. As much as I enjoyed last night, we both need to sleep tonight. And on that note . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord!! Romans 8 and especially John 14 are two of my favorite passages. Then John 15 - the abiding chapter. What a blessing it is to just surround ourselves with the word of God. Praying for you always, Joy B.