Monday, May 19, 2008


I am so very busy. In addition to preaching tonight (Monday) through Wednesday night at revival services in a local church, I will officiate at a wedding on Saturday, I am have a very difficult text for Sunday's message, and we have an elder's retreat on Sunday and Monday.
I covet your prayers. As I have said before, distraction has its advantages.

In spite of my schedule, I have been thinking about Linda quite a bit, which can be painful. The reason that those memories are painful is because she was so incredible and our relationship was so good. I am blessed - the memories could be painful as a result of regrets, but I have none. By that, I don't mean that I think I did everything right. Far from it, in fact! We live in a fallen world and we are going to make mistakes. Of course I think about certain things I did/said over 31 plus years and cringe, but I still have no regrets.

Bittersweet. Maybe that's the best way to describe my reverie that takes me back to more gentle days. I often find myself smiling through tears as I remember my sweetheart.

Well, not much more to this one. I find myself wanting to talk about my relationship with Linda much, much more than I do, but I do not want to burden others with my reflections while life goes on. I guess that's why I decided to do what I try to avoid - write for purely personal reasons with little attempt at encouragement or instruction. Thanks for reading.

Busy, I am, Yoda! Back to work.

1 comment:

andiewade said...

you and your family are in our prayers! congratulations on mike's wedding!