Wednesday, October 31, 2007

New MRI and a Fixed Focus on the Lord

The doctors agreed that Linda needed to have her MRI moved up from late November to today. The decision, made rather quickly, was based on the loss of movement on her left side. There was concern that the tumor was growing or that swelling had taken hold. Lo and behold, the MRI showed that the tumor is stable and may actually be better! Praise the Lord!

There is no good explanation for the decreased movement on her left side - yet. We hope to hear from Duke about that, soon. You already know about the other issues - liver, blood clot, diabetes. Another positive sign - her kidneys have improved since last week. We are doing our best to keep her hydrated - needed on many levels!

So, is the glass half-empty or half-full? Well, the glass has one half with water and one half without water. In other words, to quote John Fox, "it is what it is." The reality is that the brain tumor is the cause (or medicines such as steroids that must be taken because of the tumor) of almost every medical problem Linda faces at the present. If the tumor disappears, the complications will be far more manageable, and many will be eliminated altogether. But the complications are serious and even thought recent scans reveal a shrinking tumor, it is shrinking at a very slow rate. What are we to do?

From a medical standpoint, we do our best, following the lead of the doctors and our research, to manage each problem as it presents itself. From a spiritual standpoint, we look to the Lord. Do you remember the story of Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles 20 as the army of Judah was being threatened by a great multitude of soldiers from several armies? Jehoshaphat knew that if God did not intervene, Judah was toast. In his prayer (verse 12), Jehoshaphat did the right thing by putting his trust completely in the Lord: "We are powerless against this great horde that is coming against us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on You."

That is a great prayer, isn't it? "We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon You!" Now, do not think that I am claiming victory over this illness based on passages like this one - that is taking Scripture out of context. As I mentioned in a recent post, God has not promised us health and wealth in these NT days, but He has promised us spiritual blessings. Oh, no doubt, He does heal and we continue to pray - AND, we take encouragement from today's report! I had braced myself for bad new, but good news came in its place! Thank You, Lord! The problems that remain are serious, though, and we stand quietly with our eyes on the Lord.

Years ago, Linda shared a verse with me that had ministered to her. I have probably used this verse in ministry more than any other. The poetry and beauty of the King James Version for this particular verse draw me to it time and again. Psalm 94:19: "In the multitude of my thoughts within me Thy comforts delight my soul."

Linda is having some trouble breathing tonight. Blood work revealed that her CO2 levels are low - low enough to cause concern. When her oxygen levels were tested in the office yesterday, they were quite good, but the blood work has raised concerns twice in a row. Another issue to sort out. It would be enough to drive one batty - unless the Lord sends His comfort. Our eyes are on Him tonight, and His comforts delight our souls. I trust you, also, will look to Him with whatever is facing you. For all practical purposes, we have no choice. If you feel that you can do something about your problem, it is a far greater task for you than for us to keep your eyes on Him. My prayer is that your focus will be fixed on Him Who alone can bring you comfort to withstand any challenge this life can present to you.

God's richest blessings on you!


Linda Smoker said...

Dear Brad and Linda

Steve and I are reading your messages each day with great concern and with much prayer, as are our friends and our church family here in PA.
There is nothing more priceless to me than the spiritual treasures I find hidden in the dark. As you have found, they are all sustaining and full of true peace and joy.

We love you,
Linda Smoker

Anonymous said...

Mr. and Mrs. Talley,

As I read the most recent update which included a report of decreased movement on the left side, I ask myself what can I do from Garner, NC? After careful thought and prayer, I would like to share three very simple thoughts that are on my heart:

1. Jesus is the author and finisher...
2. And having done all to stand, stand therefore...
3. Be still and know that I am God...

Mr. and Mrs. Talley, we continue to stand in agreement with you.


Mary Lou Perez said...

Dear Linda

Everyday I think of you often and I am praying for you and Brad.

Mary Lou Perez

Colossians 1:17

dolovejoy said...

Dear Brad and Linda,

I read your messages weekly. You are in my thoughts and prayers daily. I pray for your healing and that your pain will be less every day. You both had a strong
influence on me in my teenage years. I thank God for both of you. I would like to bring you a meal sometime soon. Please let me know what I can do for you.
Diane Olive Lovejoy

Anonymous said...

Dear Brad and Linda,
I worked with Mike and Liz at camp for several summers, yall are in my thoughts and prayer. I love you and even though we have never met you are such an encouragement to me, how when stuff seems bad you can still look to the Lord, and thank Him, you both are amazing people and I pray for your family

Love Lauren Taylor